Na úvod přikládám ukázku obou stylů z mistrů na youtube.
Nejdřive kubána:
Pak LA:
kdyby někdo měl lepší ukázku, tak sem s ní (NEberu vystoupení, pouze společenský tanec)
Nedávno jsem na netu našel skvělé porovnání obou stylů, se kterým víceméně souhlasim. Je v jazyce anglickém, překládat se mi to nechce :).
Cuban music I find is more 'raw' and stepping than the smoother cbl style music. Plus linear salsa music has more breaks I believe (nice for shines).
- Cuban: STEPS up and down.
- CBL smoother steps
- Cuban no but have some afro cuban rumba style sections in some songs
- CBL: yes a lot of shines in the solos of the music
- cuban the girl moves around the guy in a circle
- CBL the girl moves across the guy on a straight line
- CBL : open hold forward and back
- Cuban guapea, so man steps back on 1 not forward, girls steps the same with the effect like an accordion of out then in, out then in.
- cbl multiple spins
- cuban step out spin max 1 generally
- cuban man with his pretzel moves, guys do a lot more than the girls who have to just keep stepping and following (arguable) (not saying easier just saying point of emphasis.
- guys very macho in cuban
- CBL: emphasis on girls. Girls can play with the music a lot more. Girls hijack and style a lot more
- cuban: tap on 4 and 8 in basic step
- CBL: no tap
- CBL mainly on 1(LA), on 2(NY), on 6 (Puerto Rico)
- cuban: on 1 or 3 generally...
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